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Lion King 1 12 Hes Wearing a Dress

different about Timon. UNCLE MAX: You think? He's wearing a dress! TIMON: Hey, Pumbaa. What do you call a hyena with half a brainWhat do you call a hyena with half a brain? PUMBAA: Ha ha ha! Beats me, Timon. What? TIMON: Gifted. BANZAI: Ha ha ooh! ED: They're talking about us. SHENZI: For your last meal, you're going to eat those wordsFor your last meal, you're going to eat those words. TIMON AND PUMBA: Yaah! Yaah! Uhh! Ooh! TIMON: Ma, I think we got their attention. MOM: Not yet. Keep stalling. TIMON: OK. ED: You got to be kidding me. TIMON: Now, Ma? MOM: Need more time, honey. TIMON: Uh, freestyle. SHENZI: Ooh, encore, encore. ED: No, no, no. You mean entree, entree. SHENZI: No, you right. Let's just eat them. TIMON: Is it ready yet, Ma? MOM: Not yet. Keep stalling. TIMON: Wait, wait, wait, wait. Hold on a second. PUMBAA: Uh, Timon? What are you doing? TIMON: Shenzi Marie Predatora Veldetta Jacquelina Hyena would you do me the honor of becoming my bride? SHENZI: I don't think so. TIMON: Shenzi Marie, please. I know what you're thinking. We're too different. It'll never work. What will the children look like? SHENZI: Ooh, that violates so many laws of nature. TIMON: Listen to me. The problems of a couple of wacky kids like usThe problems of a couple of wacky kids like us don't amount to a hill of termites in this nutty circle of life thing. And so I ask you if not now, when? If not me, who? I'm lonely. PUMBAA: Can I be your best man? ED: I say we skip the wedding and go straight to the buffet. MOM: Now? TIMON: Sure, if you're ready. MOM: Oh. Now, Max, now! UNCLE MAX: Hyenas in the hole! HYENAS: Huh? Huh? Aah! UNCLE MAX: I need help. It didn't work. SHENZI: Hey, it works for me. MOM: What are we going to do? What? Timon, no! SHENZI: Let's get 'em. PUMBAA: I'd say Scar is down and out. UNCLE MAX: We did it! We did it! MOM: Where's Timon? Where's my baby? He's hurt! Oh, no! Oh, no! He's dead! Or worse! We got to find him. We've got to find him. TIMON: It's OK, Ma. MOM: Oh, please. It is not OK! Don't you tell me it's OK! Timmy! Mmm! Ooh! My son the hero. TIMON: You missed a spot. UNCLE MAX: That's so beautiful. TIMON: Choking. Not breathing. SIMBA: I couldn't have done it without you guys. PUMBAA: That's our boy. TIMON: Ohh, I promised myself I wasn't going to cry. MOM: You've really come a long way, Timon. Did you find what you were looking for? TIMON: I found a place that was beyond my wildest dreams but it still wasn't home. Let's go home, Ma. MOM: Oh! TIMON: Welcome to our new home a predator-free environmentWelcome to our new home a predator-free environment. MOM: I got to hand it to you, Timon. This place has everything. TIMON: Well, now that we're all here, it does. UNCLE MAX: Crane spreads its wings, turns with dainty hands. MEERKATS SINGING: Dig a tunnel, dig, dig a tunnel / We're never gonna dig another tunnel / Dig a tunnel, dig, dig a tunnel / Never gonna hyena come / Sing the praises of great Timon / The greatest meerkat we've ever known / Never dreamed he'd help Simba shine / Proved it's cool to hang out with swine / Accidentally saved the day / Planned it so it would look that way / Brought us out of the dirt and sand / Brought his family to the promised land / Sing the praises of great Timon / Greatest meerkat we've ever known TIMON: Well, that's it the big wrap-up, the happy ending the grand finale. PUMBAA: It's over already? TIMON: Well, Pumbaa, that's the thing about endings. They come at the end. PUMBAA: Ooh, can we watch it again? TIMON: Pumbaa, we just saw it. Maybe tomorrow. MOM: Hey, what are you guys doing? You didn't tell me you were watching the movie, I want to watch, tooYou didn't tell me you were watching the movie, I want to watch, too. TIMON: Ma, we just finished. Show's over. MOM: Well, you're just going to have to rewind it. TIMON: Ma!
MOM: Uncle Max, we're going to watch the movie.
TIMON: Oh, no!
UNCLE MAX: Hey, I brought extra butter.
SIMBA: Hey, you guys are watching the movie?
RAFIKI: Hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo hoo! Any story worth telling is worth telling twice.
TIMON: What the...
SNOW WHITE: Oh, excuse me.
TIMON: What the...
DOC: Excuse me. HAPPY: Excuse me. SNEEZY: Excuse me. SLEEPY: Excuse me. BASHFUL: Excuse me. GRUMPY: Get out of the way.
TIMON: Who is this crowd? NOTE: To watch the pictures in high resolution, click on them

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